Friday, December 3, 2010



picnik 6

picnik 4

My very first water marble!!! it turned out so good! ( and I havent been able to do it this well since, I end up just taking it off :p )

I posted the polishes as well since this is really great one I havent done in a while. I didnt post the polish names for the bulk post, but I will Saturday, since I dont have work and I have to find the polishes in my box >.>

More posts soon, I have 2 christmas themed ones, one I just took off yesterday and the one I am wearing right now. I hope to do one everyday till christmas, maybe :p

See you later!

Nails I havent posted yet, not that great.

picnik 1

picnik 10

picnik 9

picnik 8

Spirit week nails...yes those are weed leaves :p

Silver with white and black stripes, I was bored.

Orange ish red with manicure-ish white swoops I wanted a simpler look

New Polishes, Major Posts!

picnik 2

picnik 5

picnik 3

New polishes from a while ago, the only ones I have on my flash drive right now (I am at school)